Giratina: Ruler of the Reverse World, Bringer of Annoyance

Giratina, is by far, one of the hardest Pokemon I’ve tried to catch because I didn’t want to use my Master Ball on him, so I paid the price. I highly suggest saving in front of Giratina (even though if you kill him you can meet his Altered Form in Sendoff Spring) before challenging him if you also would rather save that Master Ball for Dialga or one of the Pokemon that run around Sinnoh. Talk to Giratina after that and the battle begins, try your best to out speed him and be sure to have plenty of Revive and Hyper/Max Potion, if not you’re going to have a very rough time surviving long enough to catch him.
This is what I did: I had in the 50s or 60s of Revive, very few (I can’t remember how many) Hyper/Max Potion, in the 100s of Net Ball, One Ultra Ball, One Perimeter Ball, and two Great Ball. Every time he used Shadow Force and disappeared, I used a Revive or Potion on a weakened or fainted Pokemon (so I didn’t run out of usable Pokemon). Unfortunately, he often ended up leaving me with two Pokemon, he’d kill one and then I’d use the other to heal and he’d kill that one, etc. That was after weakening him into the red area of heath, making it more likely I’d catch him. If you have a Pokemon with Hypnosis, use it, it’ll make things much, much easier. After several times of him wiping out my Pokemon or him dying from using Struggle, I got lucky and he was caught by my only Ultra Ball.
Here’s one last thing to note, if one battle, say, your Houndoom is faster then Giratina, and then next he’s slower, don’t think something’s glitchy. Giratina’s Nature changes with each battle, making him have more or less Defense, Attack, Speed, etc (I ended up with a Naughty, Mischievous, which fit his info very well). With that, I wish you good luck with the Reverse World Ruler.

Pokemon Set of 3 Platinum 2009
Spring Collector Tins [Shaymin, Dialga & Giratina]