Tips on how to catch Latios and Latias
- Get a strong and fast Pokemon that knows Mean Look (like Crobat which evolves from Golbat only if the friendship level is high).
- Get either an Ultra ball or a Master ball (you will find the Master ball in Team Aqua's base).
- Get a Max repel or super repel.
- Put the Pokemon that knows Mean Look in the front space of your party (WARNING: If you switch out the pokemon that knows Mean Look or it faints, Latios or Latias WILL get away, but you might have one more turn to try and catch it).
- You should save before you go into a spot were you think one of them might be, just in case you accidentally make it faint.

After you start the game after you beat the Pokemon league there will be a news report on the TV. In Sapphire it will say "that a red Pokemon has been sighted", in Ruby it will say "that a blue Pokemon has been sighted" or in Emerald it will say "that a Pokemon of a BZZZT color has been sighted" then your mother will ask what color it was, meaning you get to choose whether it's blue or red (Latios or Latias). Once you've done that you have to track Latios/Latias down, just like with Raikou, Suicune, and Entei. Happy Hunting!
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